A sister application to (de)Motivator to fool your friends with real-looking news articles that you create!
I developed a website called You’re Not Newsworthy!, a sister application to (de)Motivator that lets you create and share fake news articles that look real. You’re Not Newsworthy! is a fun and prank app that allows you to fool your friends with hilarious headlines, images, and quotes. You can choose from different categories, such as politics, sports, entertainment, and science, and customize the article’s title, content, author, date, and source.
I used Next.js, a React framework that enables hybrid static and server rendering, as well as features such as image optimization, routing, and API routes. I also used Tailwind and Bootstrap, two popular CSS frameworks that provide utility classes and components for styling and layout. I deployed the website on Vercel, a platform that specializes in hosting Next.js applications and offers features such as serverless functions, analytics, and previews.
The logo is a stylized acronym of YNN that I designed. The website is responsive and works on different screen sizes and devices. The website also has a fast loading speed and a high score on web performance metrics.
The website can be accessed at https://ynn.vercel.app/.