Redefining the blog
by Ryan Mullin
It’s time we formally meet.
Hi! I’m Ryan Mullin. I’m currently a freelance web developer, and proud student of Camden Catholic High School. I build things that I want to learn, and other more stupid things that soley exist for my pure enjoyment, take (de)Motivator for example 😜.
So, what went wrong.
So, I’ve had this blog for about a year now, and its made its way through many (and many very ugly) iterations, but for a while, I’ve settled on this design with this specific tech stack. But, the problem lies where I got the content for all of the articles. Ever since I started this iteration of the blog, 100% of the content on the main blog was generated by AI. Specifically GPT-4 through Bing. This as it turns out, can create a lot of content, but that content is going to have a much, much worse quality. And usually, I’ve stuck with quality > quantity
, but that just wasnt the case here.
So, where do we go from here?
Well, now that you know what I sound like when it’s actually me typing, I think itll be pretty easy to glean when I’m actually typing the articles, allowing you to call me out on it easier. Yes, I want you to call me out every time you suspect I’m using generative AI to write the articles.
What to expect in the future
From here on out, expect articles to be more sporatic than normal, and be more few and far between, as I barely have time to keep up maintaining this site as it is, let alone continuing to write articles for it. However, all of the articles from here on out will be, with my personal guarantee, much higher quality, and much more interesting than ever before.